Contact M-Files Team
If you are an existing M-Files customer and you need any technical support, please visit the M-Files Community.
If you are an existing M-Files customer and you need assistance, not related to support or sales, please message us at [email protected].

Contact Sales
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Global Corporate Offices
United States
General & Sales: +1 (972) 516-4210
Technical Support: +1 (800) 224-4074
Address (HQ): 500 W 2nd Street, 19th Floor
Austin, TX 78701
United Kingdom
General & Sales: +44 330 0889569
Technical Support: +44 330 122 8358
Address: Davidson House, Forbury Square, Reading, RG1 3EU, UK
General & Sales: +358 3 3138 7500
Technical Support: +358 3 3138 7599
Address (HQ): Peltokatu 34 C, 33100 Tampere, Finland
Address (Helsinki): Maistraatinportti 1, 00240 Helsinki, Finland
Address (Lappeenranta): Valtakatu 49, 53100 Lappeenranta, Finland
General & Sales: +33(0)1 86 95 05 15
Technical Support: +33 (0)1 70 61 58 21
General & Sales: +47 21 09 38 00
General & Sales: +1 (972) 516-4210
Technical Support: +1 (800) 224-4074
Address: 30 Knowledge Park Drive, Unit 100, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3C 2R2, Canada
General & Sales: +46 8 50 16 55 95
Technical Support: +44 330 122 8358
Address: Vasagatan 16, 111 20 Stockholm
General & Sales: +61 1300 132 158
Technical Support: +61 2909 84702
General & Sales: +49 (0)2102 42 – 0616
Technical Support: +49 3222 109 2805