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The 3 Keys to More Efficient Information Management and Business Processes


According to Forrester, many enterprises still struggle with digital transformation. They are bogged down with siloed systems and error-prone manual processes. They struggle because they still have a way to go in automating operational processes around the customer journeys. Yet, automation in the workplace of the operational processes is a must on the way to digital business.

The Keys to Successful Digital Transformation

Digitizing business processes is not only focused on the automation of existing processes. It can also lead to reinventing processes.

Often when workflows and processes are digitized, it is done by adding more single-use systems and applications. This is problematic because it results in increased information chaos as these applications remain siloed.

Bridging the Gaps Between Individual Applications is a Key Element of Digitization.

Smart usage of information is necessary to gain business efficiency. And smart usage of information is dependent on gaining access to all relevant information to support decision-making. There is no place for silos; employees need easy access to relevant information when they need it. Information — and access to it — needs to support their working processes.

More Efficient Information Management and Business Processes

There are three keys to successfully automate and digitize business. These three keys are the elements of intelligent information management.

  1. Intelligent information management is metadata driven so that documents and processes to be managed by metadata and be found in context.
  2. Intelligent information management is system and repository neutral to connect separate information silos across the organization.
  3. And, intelligent information management is powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, which helps  automate routine tasks and remove human error.

M-Files Supports All Business Processes

M-Files supports all document-centric business processes. It brings together documents, data, content, workflows and business processes. This helps you automate the workflows to support your digital business.

M-Files Intelligent Information Management spans across all systems, applications and content repositories. It provides a single, centralized solution to benefit the whole organization.

AI-driven workflows support business processes, ensure quality, and promote consistent levels of service. Streamlining workflows related to document-intensive business processes creates efficiencies across the whole business – in accounting, HR, legal, production, marketing and customer service teams. This improves the speed at which business is conducted and enhances customer experience.

Download our free eBook to learn more about how intelligent information management can help you automate your business.

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